Friday, March 15, 2013

The 10km walk - WE DID IT!

I woke up this morning at around 5:30am and quickly got ready for the walkathon. The fresh fruit juice made of lemon grass, lemons was now deliciously semi frozen and made steps to quickly get myself to the Bowling Club. I was accompanied by my cousin, Lujee who was off duty as it was her day off from the hospital. After picking up Mele, we sped through to the Bowling Club to meet Julz who was there with Liam. A good number of people from the community was there for the walkathon.

The air was fresh and cool and the temperature was perfect. For some weird reason, I had high energy and was energetic during the walk contrary to what I was dreading. I did discover that it actually helps to psyche yourself up mentally for something.

It was really great to see people fishing out in the sea. The smell of the ocean lapping against the sea wall and seeing the local community walking was also great.WE DID IT! I am so glad that the walkathon is finally over! Yes, we actually walked 10 km and it was #superawesome

 I would like to thank all my sponsors:
1. Jiuria Fimone Narayan
2.Mele Rakai
3. Lusia Tinairokomokoti
4.Litia  Makutu
5.Priscilla Lockington
5.Hilda Lobendahn
6.Siteri Saro
7.Lily T. Baleimakutu
8.Pulekeria Low
9.Unaisi Tikinatabua
10.Meresiana Tamani
11.Asenaca Tamanikaiwaimaro
12. Timaima Vulimailaucala

Special thanks to three of my sponsors who joined me on the walk - Jiuria (Julz) and Liam, Mele (Loiloi) and Lusia (Lujee)!!! Thank you for the warm support and felt your contribution each step of the way.

I must say that it was only till we had completed the walk that I felt the exhaustion and it was straight to breakfast then home for me! What a day! Today's win was conquering the fear of "exercise". This is deeply ironic coming from a former sports-a-holic! Baby steps for now.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ides of March - one more day to the Walkathon

There is a newly elected Pope, China has a new President Xi Jinping and a new leader for the Communist Party, the former Leader of the Khmer Rouge Iang Sary is now deceased and European Union leaders are wrestling with austerity as they gather in Brussels to discuss their fears and concerns. These momentous events are all happening in a very interesting time in the Roman calendar - the ides of March.
It's amazing how a zillion different events happen at the same time every where - the interconnectedness of our world and the vastness of life never ceases to amaze me.
 Meanwhile, in my world, the count down accelerates and it's one more day to Walkathon and all I can remember is my high school walkathon and how much fun it was stopping at refreshment tents for icy cold milo drinks. The weather today is nice and sunny and very breezy where I live. I am sure that if my compound was the ocean and my home was a ship with sails, there would be enough wind to carry this vessel to the next port. If only there was guava juice nearby as I am dying for some cold fruit juice, not the kind out of packets but blended fresh fruit.

One of the best bits about living in a country where it is summer all year around, is that there is an abundance of fresh fruit. The smell of freshly cut lawn, and chirping of birds fills the air. In less than 24 hours, we will begin the Walkathon, I am not excited and neither am I dreading it, now.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Getting Ready: Walkathon - 2 days to go

In less than 48 hours, I will be joining others in the walkathon. I woke up this morning to check my gear. I am wondering whether I will have enough energy to want to swim afterwards or go for a dip. I have got to get some new tunes into my IPOD.

My dread for walking is slowly changing into excitement as I now have two friends and two cousins joining me on my walk. I am more excited about doing this with them. I am off to breakfast, can smell warm toast calling my name.

I have just been informed that the walkathon will not start at 5am but will commence at 7am instead. Not sure whether that's a good thing as I was looking forward to the coolness of the morning as opposed to blistering hot sun. Maybe this calls for freezing some coconut juice the night before. Hmmmmm.....

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Walkathon - 3 days to go

 March 13th, 2013
Yes, I am not looking forward to walking 10km as I am unfit and not physically active. I am dreading the walk but am glad that the walk will start from 5am before the crack of dawn. At least, it won't be ridiculously hot and I am making a mental note to psyche myself up for the walk.

The walkathon is a community fundraiser and is for a good cause. I am glad that I will have Julz and Loi to walk with me so that will keep us busy chatting and walking. I miss Julz and have'nt caught up with her in ages.

I am also grateful to all my sponsors who have committed to giving funds to the Drive whilst I walk. My one consolation is that I will now be able to test my canvas which has only seen the gym once since I bought it earlier this year. I hope there will be checkpoints and refreshments as I am sure I will be like "dead on arrival". The walkathon is a fundraising initiative for a Capacity Building Camp during the Easter Weekend in Novotel, Lami which will see Oceania converge.